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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Monthly archive March, 2006

A silent exercise in absurdity OR a concerto in passive aggressive

No explanation necessary Well maybe just a little. On the left is the before and hench (logic would follow) on the right the after. A while back, I came into the Spartan Daily to find my computer thethered with an anti-theft device… wait for it… to a table leg of a very light table. Yes,...

Old skooler, Ceppos speaks of the future of media

Former Executive Editor of the San Jose Mercury News, Jerry Ceppos spoke to San Jose State University students in a talk entitled “The future of mass media in a changing economic and technological environment,” a discussion about the future of the news and how people get the news. Ceppos spoke to a nearly packed audience,...

"Just" a bit more radio around a Phantom Planet

More Radiohead goodness (last time!). This time, I’ve come across a video for Radiohead’s “Just,” only it’s a cover by another favorite of mine, Phantom Planet. I shouldn’t even have to say anything. Go now! But make sure you come back. *56K warning: It may take a moment to load, be patient. Filed under: funstuff...

The art of communication

I ran across an interesting website today. Rockstar, the publisher of the infamous Grand Theft Auto” series, has announced the winners of Rockstar Games Upload IV. “Now in ’06, we are pleased to present the cream of this year’s edition of our long running digital media competition – the very best creative works, as deemed...

Researching for the interview

Recently I was given an assignment to examine the techniques employed by interviewers and how they conduct an effective exchange. I decided to listen to “The Journalist Who Wouldn’t Write Straight,” which can be found at NPR online. The interview is with Marc Weingarten, the author of “The Gang That Wouldn’t Write Straight,” a book...

Gordon Parks

Gordon Parks passed away. He’s one of the guys I looked up to, and he’s one of the photographers and filmmakers I aspired to follow in the steps of. I’m not going to try and say much more of anything here, rather I’ll just share of the pictures that have resonated with me. Harlem, LIFE...

Raw tracks for your mixing pleasure, sign of things to come?

It doesn’t have much to do with photojournalism, but I’m a sucker for this stuff. A DJ to an audience of none, but I rock my headphones from time to time with my own homemade mixes and samples. Fort Minor, by way off a partnership between its label Warner Brothers and Creative Commons, has posted...

Eternal insight of the judges minds

The SportsShooter 2005 student photographer of the year was chosen recently. And the best part is, you get to hear the editors — Deanne Fitzmaurice, Kim Komenich, John Lee, Michael Macor, Jim Merithew, and Russell Yip — discuss and critique the portfolios. “For the most part, a portfolio celebrates your ability to see great light…...

Evolving media explored by new media

Vbloger Steve Garfield recently visted New England Cable News TV for a report he filed on Rocketboom. What’s interesting is the way NECN has partnered up with The Boston Globe and has been able to implement the two mediums and then been able to pull it off. In the Bay Area we’ve seen this trend...

What’s a meme?

Well I’ve been tagged… or something. Apparently it doesn’t mean it’s time to chase your friends around the the tan bark (okay seriously, why did it take schools so long to realize the woodchips were nothing but rocks with dirt and spliters?). After looking it up, I learned that a meme is basically an online...