That guy right there on the right who’s hugging the hell out of me (or looks likes he about to tackle me?), that’s Roberto Rosales, a staff shooter from the ABQ Journal, and apparently he misses me.

We’re also flanked by Jim Thompson, center, and Greg Sorber, left, also staff shooters that had been great advisers and friends to me during my time at the paper.

The pic is from the wee hours right after my last night at the Journal. The guys decided to take me out to Hooters, which believe it or not, was the first time any of us had been there. Like many things in life, I found it didn’t live up to the Shangri-La hype I’ve heard all my life (Andy, seriously, you like this place?). No one was really dying to go there, it was actually the result of a running joke in the office, I’m not dying to go back, and I don’t think anyone else is either… but I digress.

I ran by Roberto’s blog and saw his public “missing person” report and thought, why not keep the gag going by responding to him here. Hey, phone calls are expensive when you’re unemployed! Plus it gives me a great excuse to link to his blog.

Sooooo… here I am Roberto, right here on a couch, watching Around the Horn on ESPN, still unemployed (but not for long…), still in ABQ, still wondering which way the winds are blowing today and still at the same phone number in case you want to call me the next time you have some Shaminder-withdrawal.
