Well it seems after a flurry of activity on SLR I got a little too busy and haven’t been posting. Where was I? I said I’ve been busy (and I’m OK mom), really really busy. The past month I’ve started, stopped, continued and dropped about a half dozen projects and story ideas as I continue...
I have a lot of random thoughts throughout the day, today I had one that I just had to write down. It was supposed to be only one sentence and part of a new series I was toying around with, but as it so often happens I got on top of the soapbox and looking...
One of my recent posts was referenced in Columbia Journalism Review recently. I don’t really have much to say, except that it feels very good to be name dropped in an article in the premier higher education and professional journalism journal. I’ve been getting a lot of new hits recently as a result and I’m...
With the news of what happened, why it happened, who to blame and my own circle of friends wondering why the media has latched onto the shooters immigrant status (is this relevant in anyway? That’s like saying he liked hats.), it’s easy to see how some angles of the story have been overlooked. Thanks to...
I’ve been a little too serious as of late around here, it’s time for some comedy relief. Animation and MC Escher… I love this kinda stuff. The fellow shaving his head has unwittingly created something that every multimedia photographer is striving for: short, sweet, tightly edited, has a perfectly accentuated musical aspect and it holds...
Sometimes horrific events take place and in the interest of the public, journalists do their job and inform. Today we faced another such event when a man walked onto the Virginia Tech University campus and chaos ensued with shooting in two location, two hours apart and a half mile apart. Details are still being ironed...
I’ve been meaning to post this for a while, but someone cruel once decided that humans need sleep. If you’re like me you’re always looking for inspiration and one of the places I’ve found it was in looking over the winners of Multimedia Shooter’s first anything-goes contest held last March. There’s a couple of really...
Adobe has been rumbling about RAW again. As I pointed out… way back when… Adobe looked to be answering Apple’s challenge of Aperture with LightRoom. (Oh no, I see a soapbox! Why didn’t Adobe call it LightTable? Doesn’t that make more sense? It’s an editing program and where did we edit our takes in the...