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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Monthly archive August, 2009
Late night drive

Late night drive

The other night we finally had some rain in San Antonio and it brought along some lighting to boot. In California lighting storms are pretty rare and I was feeling the itch to explore the light. So I grabbed my cellphone, sent off a Twitter update– “Going for a late night drive in the rain....

Time out Tuesday: ReTweet Revolution

We all know the role Twitter played in the aftermath of Iran’s elections. How tweets got the play-by-play news from the streets to the world. How it was used by some to organize protesters. How the White House asked Twitter to keep the servers online and push off scheduled system updates. And how it appears...
deer in the city

deer in the city

The buck lifted his head and stared at me as I tried to move closer. I was driving around Fair Oaks Ranch looking for a picture to go with a story on stage 3 water restrictions but wasn’t having any luck. Some days are like that. It also didn’t help that my eight hour shift...

Time out Tuesday: Ira Glass on Storytelling

I don’t even think I have validate this entry to time out, it’s F’n Ira Glass, women like his style and men have been ripping off his hipster style for years. The host of PBS radios “This American Life” has carved out a piece of the radio landscape and delivers each week the find of...

Time out Tuesday: Dr. Horrible

Ok ok, so two weeks ago I did kind of cop out by posting Spaced, but you know you enjoyed it. 😉 It’s 42 min, but if you haven’t seen it, you are so missing out on something awesome. The controversial ending alone is genius. Created during the writer’s strike in 2008, it was basically...
Tea for 61

Tea for 61

Tea parties are pretty strange. I mean, if you think about it, they’re pretty strange. Men in sharp black suits and polished shoes not going to the office. Women in flower-adorned hats and their Sunday best not going to church, well Sunday church. Everyone stopping in the middle of the day and dropping all their...

Time out Tuesday: Letters to the President

“Every day, President Obama reads ten letters from the public in order to stay in tune with America’s issues and concerns. “Letters to the President” is an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the process of how those ten letters make it to the President’s desk from among the tens of thousands of letters, faxes, and e-mails...
Blue Therapy

Blue Therapy

I was in knots as I walked out of the office. So much on my mind. So much to process. I looked up and saw a shade of blue sky that gave me an excuse. So for the next twenty minutes I walked around and thought only about blue. It was calming, for the time...