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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Monthly archive August, 2006

It’s time to send some love

Joyce fell. I only met her a few weeks ago and I already knew we’d still be talking five, ten years down the road. With some people you just know. Unfortunatly two days after she asked me “how do I get to the Sierras?”… and I proceded to tell her only to then say, “Oh...

So this is where I was for a week this summer

During the first week of August I had the distinct pleasure of attending the AEJMC convention held in San Francisco, California this year.AEJMC, the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, is a non-profit organization aimed at J-School educators, administrators, their students and media professionals. Founded in Chicago, Illinois, in 1912, the non-profit has...

Oh well…

(I was looking through some of my unpublished articals and it looks like I forgot to publish this one… it’s been a few months… it was supposed to go up June 3) Looks like I won’t be traveling with famed New York Times columnist Nick Kristof to Africa anytime. On a positive note, I didn’t...

Some cold hard RAW

Adobe has been rumbling about RAW again. As I pointed out… way back when… Adobe looked to be answering Apple’s challenge of Aperture with LightRoom. (Oh no, I see a soapbox! Why didn’t Adobe call it LightTable? Doesn’t that make more sense? It’s an editing program and where did we edit our takes in the...

So this is where I’ve been

While I was away from SLR, one of the things that was keeping me busy was serving as Online/Multimedia Editor for The Spartan Daily. Among the new things I worked toward implementing, one of my proudest moments was the implementation of multimedia and the new multimedia section. But enough about me, let’s take a look...

Maybe a tube was clogged

Happened to be purusing by Daniel Sato’s blog and to my surprise, fellow photographer and San Jose State University student Diana Diroy has decided to start up a blog of her own. She’s off in the Philippines working on a documentary project, and in the process is reconnecting with her cultural roots. Along the way...

From the files of Duh!

If it wasn’t obvious before, now it should be without a doubt. Wikipedia isn’t a source of research, at least not as the end all authoritative voice. During a speech at the University of Pennsylvania back in June, Wikipedia’’s founder, Jimmy Wales, warned students against using the online encyclopedia as an academic source for class...