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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Monthly archive May, 2008

Cornell Capa, dies at 90

Life magazine staffer, Magnum agency member and founder the International Center of Photography, Cornell Capa, died Friday at his home in Manhattan. He was also the younger brother of Robert Capa, but in many ways he’d made a name for himself outside of his shadow. Like his brother he had started with war photography, but...

Time out Tuesday… On The Road

With MultimediaShooter down and out for the count, I haven’t been able to get my Koci travelogue fix in quite a while, which is harsh because it’s messing with my pre-trip vibe. See, I always watched some of those before a trip just to get me in the right mind set, but now those are...

Ivan ends up on

Old friend and SJSU alum Ivan Kashinsky recently had a story published on Time magazine’s Web site. Ivan documented Pablo Fajardo, a lawyer who represents 30,000 Ecuadorians in a lawsuit against the oil giant Chevron. The lawsuit alleges that Texaco, acquired by Chevron in 2001, left behind oil waste pits during the eighteen years in...

I finally get Twitter! I believe! I believe!

I was an early adopter of Twitter, signing up for it in the wake of the buzz it created at South by Southwest 2007, but I didn’t write anything for a couple weeks, unsure of what I could use it for or even who would care what I had to say. At the time I...

Fun with Photoshop

The one thing I enjoy just as much, if not more, than photojournalism is film and animation (which is why I love LOVE multimedia so much)! Here’s a short film that combines photo(shop) and animation to illustrate the creative differences that can sometimes get in the way of progress. Enjoy! Animator vs. Animation by *alanbecker...

It’s World Press Day, my friend says hi

A good friend from Albuquerque reminds me today is World Press Day and sent me this e-mail to make the occasion. I thought was pretty awesome of her and thought I’d share the joy. (Plus it gives me a chance to try out the video capture function of my new image capture program.) Enjoy! *Edit/update…...