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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Monthly archive July, 2006

Maybe old dogs can learn new tricks?

It looks like newspapers have embraced ‘new journalism’ so strongly that they’re beating TV at its’ own game. The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences created a new Emmy award this year for news and documentary programs produced for websites, mobile phones, iPods and other such ‘new media.’ Surprisingly the most visual medium, the...

Mr. Slideroll wants your input!

When I tried Slideroll I had no idea I’d be hearing from the creator of the applet himself. Thanks for giving Slideroll a try. I’m the creator, and I must say your critique is dead-on. I’d love to be able to allow people to upload music, but of course I don’t want to get sued...

Respond… React…Redux

Remember React juice? In my younger days I sported a pair of shoes with a liquid that promised something or rather with the endorsement of Larry Johnson. You remember him, he played for the NBA’s Charlotte Hornets and showed up in advertisements as Grand Mama, the dunking granny… the gimmick became such a phenomenon that...

The skies the limit, is that a good thing?

There’s been a few announcements in the realm of memory card capacity. Largest SD card yet… Lexar goes 8GB… SanDisk goes 8GB… And Sony announced a few months back that a 8GB Memory Stick Duo is coming. But I have to ask, when is enough enough? I agree that larger cards are a good idea,...

Racist ads PSP, it can’t be… can it?

Part “What are you talking about,” part “I didn’t do it,” all controversial. And I’m sure that’s just what Sony wanted when they released this add that some are calling racist. I wonder however, maybe this is a cultural thing. If anyone in the Netherlands can enlighten us… I can’t phantom this is what it...

Got a job… not really, but that’s how the song goes

More evolution than revolution, the San Jose State University School of Journalism has a new blog (I really hate this word). JMCjobs lists current opportunities for internships. The same info that used to be posted on the bulletin boards along the walls is now available online, anytime! That’s a big deal! And as Ryan Sholin...

A Lightbox by any other name

As I roll up my sleves and dive back into SLR, I’ve decided one of the first things I want to do is a redesign. As such I remebered a little JS I found way back when that I liked alot. Of course without a place to host the JS, I can’t use it, but...

Happy Birthday Mr. President…

From the so crazy it can’t be true file, according to a blog over at Wired, Nintendo of America has their birthday present for President Bush ready to go. A D-S for his big 6-0. They’ve even been kind(?) enough to throw in a copy of Brain Age. It’s basically a PR stunt, but isn’t...

Something new, something old…

Well, it’s been a while. Some new tidbits around the blog… This medium was taking over all my free time. Apparently it’s a creative outlet that I desperately needed. Who knew? But then I ran out of free time. As is common with most college students, we get busy and posting interesting news and our...