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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Will Smith and kids not shocked by Miley's VMA performance; how did so many get it wrong?

Will Smith and kids not shocked by Miley’s VMA performance; how did so many get it wrong?

Last night, if you haven’t been bombarded by it enough already (lucky you), was MTVs Video Music Awards show. Also known as that show Colbert has a beef with now. I didn’t see it, but this morning I was forced to catch up for work. If you’d told me a couple of year ago the...
Playing with gifs: Now that’s a great way to start the day

Playing with gifs: Now that’s a great way to start the day

I recently acquired my first smart phone and started playing with mobile video and making gifs. Click on the picture above to see what I’ve been up to. As a storyteller I think it’s important to look at alternative forms. The idea of introducing time to still images fascinates me. Beyond fodder for Reddit or...
Week in Pictures for Newsweek/The Daily Beast

Week in Pictures for Newsweek/The Daily Beast

I recently had the opportunity to edit the week in pictures slideshow for Newsweek/The Daily Beast and culled together a slice of the world. It’s a small slice of the world, but it’s my view of the world. These are the everyday people whose lives we never cross and yet here they are, existing, living....
One year: New York City

One year: New York City

It was a year ago this month that I rolled into New York City, the last year has had its ups and downs (oh those downs) but it’s always been interesting. I think I know now why they call it the city that never sleeps… it’s not the city, it’s the people in the city...
Our obsession with being online is the perfect reason for #GetOfflineDay

Our obsession with being online is the perfect reason for #GetOfflineDay

A couple of months ago my good friend Roberto Rosales had upgraded his phone and decided to toss me his old iPhone 3Gs. When I told my friends I’d finally be able to join them on Instagram and Draw Something, one of them remarked  “pooping will never be the same…” I’m using it now as an iPod Touch...
How I feel having my social media invaded by #ONA12

How I feel having my social media invaded by #ONA12

  Over the last couple of days I’ve been seeing all my friends posting about one cool or interesting thing after another that’s happening at ONA, and I just find myself wishing I could be a part of it. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to join them in San Francisco so instead I’m making memes. Be...
Thanks to Maynard Institute for recognizing my work

Thanks to Maynard Institute for recognizing my work

I was a little hesitant to post about this here, but as my friends have informed me, I’m being a stereotypical humble Asian and I need to cut that stuff out. Only they didn’t say “stuff.” Earlier this month The Maynard Institute recognized me in their series of journalist of color worth noting. Each day for the month...
New internet scam preys on distant relatives

New internet scam preys on distant relatives

I’ve been looking into Kickstarter a lot over the last year, if you’re a journo, you might remember Spot.Us, Kickstarter is basically the same thing but with lots more poetry projects and bad videos. There’s so much out there about how amazing it is, but I don’t know… the platform’s been picking up steam for...
Tortuga Photo Workshops postcards are here, plus applications are live!

Tortuga Photo Workshops postcards are here, plus applications are live!

It wasn’t easy and for a moment it appeared that UPS was going to tag them as undeliverable– long story but basically my NYC apartment building has a broken doorbell to my apartment, so I had to stand outside between 10am and 6pm to catch the delivery guy– but that all does not matter now, because they’re finally here! And...
Seven peeks at the future of news video

Seven peeks at the future of news video

The future of video is an evolution and it’s going to look radical or familiar depending on how critically you think about it, so don’t be intimidated, like my community college journalism instructor said, “everything’s been done, but it hasn’t been done by you.” Flip an old idea, see what happens. It’s fun. I’ve been...
Meditations on the future of news video

Meditations on the future of news video

Not too long ago I was packing up my life in Houston, Tx, shoving everything I owned into my car for a trip west. In between buying packing tape and paper cuts my mind was bombarded with ideas for improving newspaper video. One of those ideas resonated enough with the judges of the Knight-Mozilla News...
Did you hear the one about the guy #JCarn

Did you hear the one about the guy #JCarn

Once again, welcome to my latest post for #JCarn. The Carnival of Journalism is a loose collection of journalism thinkers (and people like me) who get together to post on their blogs with their reflections on a given prompt. This month head carny David Cohn prompts: Epic Fails. What’s your biggest one? If you’d like...