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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Monthly archive March, 2007

A cold case never goes cold for a family

"Not just a number" interview

A quasi-update on an earlier post I made about the Not Just a Number series now appearing on the Oakland Tribune… as I do from time to time, I headed over to Ryan Sholin’s blog to check out what nuggets of reflection he’s got in store for me to ponder when lo and behold I...

Cuban Streets and Latin Beats

When Mediastorm launched a little over a year ago one of the centerpieces was “1976” a project that fused the beats of DJ RJD2 with a street photography aesthetic and an amazing flair for style and visuals. It’s more music video than journalism, but it’s just to good to ignore. I recently came across it...

It’s Tricky!!!

Not everything has to be serious, here’s a fun video that showcases the power of editing and sound and pays homage to one of my favs. The video is deceptively simple, but there’s a lot of thought going on behind the edits, musical cues, variations in signage and acting, yes acting. Plus some of those...

The Obama campaign goes pop culture

In a (not so) odd (if you really think about it) nod to Americana, Obama goes for the techie vote with this clever (plagiarized?) champaign ad. I can’t imagine what Apple would say, I guess it’s nice that she’s paying homage to Apple by wearing an iPod… but wow. If this takes off, and I...

The real way how three months salery is made to last forever

I just saw “Blood Diamond” last night, a great film by the way. It’s Edward Zwick return to the elegant simplicity of “Glory” and departure from the boisterous frivolity of “The Last Samurai.” I’d always hoped Zwick would recapture his talent, a mature director with a steady hand and a pure understanding of the fundamentals,...

A long overdue "yippie!"

With all the commotion in my life the past few months, I virtually forgot all about this post I’ve had in mind for a while. Things within the photojournalism department at San Jose State University are happening, the community is buzzing, the new crop of students are involved, and many of my colleges are getting...

Oakland Tribune puts a face on homicide

In 5 yrs. 557 families. A record high 148 lives in 2006. Homicide and Oakland, in the Bay Area you can’t have a conversation about one without someone bringing the topic to the other, but maybe that’s a conversation worth having. About a week ago the Oakland Tribune took another bold step into expanded storytelling...

ducks and ethics

I ran into an ethical dilemma while on assignment at the Santa Cruz Sentinel today (and by today I mean when I wrote this, I have a bad habit on making everything a draft because I want to rewrite stuff), and it was a most fowl dilemma indeed. (Thunder clap!) Sorry I couldn’t resist. Anyhow,...

New faces, old faces, many laughes and a sunset on the beach

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of hanging out with some of the new students in the PJ program at San Jose State University during our NPPA chapter sponsored Spring Shootout in Capitola. In between lessons of technique, I had a great time getting to know some of the new faces I keep seeing and...

24 on|24 off :a documentary

“24 on|24 off” is a documentary where I shadowed the firefighters of the C-shift of Engine 2 in San Jose, Ca. My intention was to show the “family” side of life in the firehouse and rather than documenting the fires, which I saw as cliché, I wanted to go deeper into who these people were...

The hills are cold with the sound of slush

As my friend Daniel Esch said last week, “Dude we’re in beer country.” When I woke up this (Wednesday, thanks blogger spambots… well actually Feb. 28 now, thanks life) morning I expected to see some snow on Mt. Hamilton and the hills behind my house, it wasn’t that unusual for up to an inch of...