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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Monthly archive May, 2007

The return of the light table

Microsoft came out with this new do-hickey (that’s a technical term BTW, don’t hurt yourself trying to say it) that’s a table top touch screen PC today and that got me thinking (don’t worry, it didn’t hurt much), why not use them as light tables? I remember the old days of taking a loop and...

Portfolio always in flux

The last couple months I’ve been living and dying with my portfolio as I look through it over and over, change it up constantly and formulate game plans for future stories. I’ve been thinking of what works and what doesn’t. What editors will want to see and what they couldn’t care less about. What will...

Asian Representations in American Cinema Developed for a Teenage Audience or Why Doesn’t Anyone Look Like Me?

In another life I spent more than a few years writing film reviews and essays of new and old, classic and infamous, good and bad films for various websites and any press outlets that would have me. Recently I had the chance to revisit my old passion when it came time to produce a research...

What a crazy day I’m having

Sometimes you just have to sit back and say… wow… just wow. I came in today to the internship and shot six assignments and produced a multimedia piece, so all in all, not bad. But just looking it over, in the end it was one crazy day. A crazy racist lady wanted to know where...

First rule of Journalism– don’t have a bias!

Wow… and they say they’re fair and balanced. Fox News apparently decided that the world was showering Kurt Vonnegut’s memory with too much admiration and respect– you know with all the ticker tape parades, national day of mourning and panicked children rocking back and forth in corners of rooms the world over. Clearly someone needed...

I think I might like baseball… gulp!

The last couple of days I’ve been shooting a lot of high school baseball and softball games and I’m afraid I may like baseball now. I always said I didn’t like baseball because it was boring and slow and I hated sitting still and watching grown men spit and scratch and stretch and stand for...

Feels good to be appriciated, so this is what it’s like

One of my recent posts was referenced in Columbia Journalism Review recently. I don’t really have much to say, except that it feels very good to be name dropped in an article in the premier higher education and professional journalism journal. I’ve been getting a lot of new hits recently as a result and I’m...

We Believed all along

13 years, way too many coaches to remember (kinda fitting that Nelly is the only one that could put us back on track), too much drama, bad contracts (Mike Dunleavy? Seriously?), one monumentally disappointing first round pick (Joe Smith? Who?), one very atrocious new mascot (WTF is that thing?… No wonder fans prefer the throwback...

Spider-man (because the fanboy in me just has to)

There are webs on the sides of buildings and run on red spandex in stores and that only means one thing. Christo is at it again, but seriously, Spider-Man is back and the fan boy in me is (sorta) excited again (although the reviews aren’t looking great and surprisingly I don’t find myself itching to...