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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Forget 3D, Google Maps in 4D!

Forget 3D, Google Maps in 4D!

It sounds crazy at first glance, the idea of mining still frames from Google Maps and stitching them together like a flip book, but the end result is pretty, well, awesome! There’s not much to analyze here, just put it into full screen mode, lean back and enjoy.
Gaming News Apps #editorslab projects from the NYTimes hackathon

Gaming News Apps #editorslab projects from the NYTimes hackathon

I’m so excited for this hackathon at the NY Times. This is a topic I’ve been passonate about for years: Gamification and how to turn news consumption into an interactive experience. I’m not sure if anyone else cares, but I wanted to just leave this Storify here so I’ll have an easy way to check...
"Because we're pussies" - Ira Glass. And a dozen other answers from his Reddit AMA

“Because we’re pussies” – Ira Glass. And a dozen other answers from his Reddit AMA

Ever since Louis CK logged on to Reddit about a year ago for one of the website’s signature AMAs (Ask me Anything), celebraties have been a fairly regular occurrence on the popular website. Following President Obama’s AMA in late August, the flood gates have really opened and every day there’s a new famous person falling...
Time Out Tuesday: Denton Pedicab

Time Out Tuesday: Denton Pedicab

“Denton Pedicab” is a beautifully shot and produced short documentray on an immigrant entrepreneur who found a cheap solution for barhoppers in “a drinking town with a college problem.” Laurent Prouvost noticed that after a night of drinking, students from nearby University of Northern Texas, in Denton, Texas, were choosing to drive home drunk rather...
Geo-tagged videos reveal a mosaic of stories

Geo-tagged videos reveal a mosaic of stories

The folks down at seem to have come up with a novel idea for organizing an overflow of video stories by narrowing it down to geo-data points on a very nicely designed interactive map. They aren’t focused on journalism, but that doesn’t mean it can’t inspire us. I think it’s worth checking out, and...
SnapDap: Drew Angerer's Clinton surprise

SnapDap: Drew Angerer’s Clinton surprise

Welcome to the latest installment of SnapDap, a series of posts where we give props to a single image, story or project and the photographers behind them. If there’s something inspiring your eye and you;d like to see it featured in a future installment, please let us know in the comments below! A couple weeks...
If you don't suck at first, you're not doing it right

If you don’t suck at first, you’re not doing it right

Let me preface this post by saying that Louis CK inspired today’s musings. Why is that pertinent, it’s not really, but I’m not so secretly hoping he’ll google himself and end up here and then we’ll go down to the Comedy Cellar together and form a two man tribute band which only plays The Seeds Mr. Farmer...
The Super Bowl of Journalism: A #SOTU Round Up

The Super Bowl of Journalism: A #SOTU Round Up

You could say that the president’s State of the Union address each year is like the Super Bowl of web journalism. If you won’t say it, I will. It’s a single manageable time of immense importance and scrutiny and every news org is experimenting to take advantage of the web and jostling to become the top shared news provider for the...
Multimedia that made me go f'yea! in 2011

Multimedia that made me go f’yea! in 2011

It’s the end of the year and that usually means two things, left overs and best of lists. This year saw a lot of newsworthy events from the Arab Spring to OWS, Obama got Osama to Rick Perry trying to remember three things, it was a year packed with news events and continued debate about what journalism’s of...

Time out Tuesday: Art Heist

This week I came across a piece of marketing for HBO that just had me hooked for hours. And it wasn’t because of anything slick from the PR department, it was all about the storytelling. “Art Heist” is an interactive website which invites you to explore a story in a non liner narrative. Each of...

Time out Tuesday: Choosing Thomas

When Deidrea and T.K. Laux learned during their first pregnancy that their unborn child had trisomy 13 (a rare DNA abnormality which makes it impossible for newborns to live more than a couple hours to days outside the womb) they were faced with a choice, carry the child to term and say goodbye to him...

Time out Tuesday: Journey to the End of Coal

This week I’ve found something that is just cool. Very very cool. Journey to the End of Coal takes a look at the exploding growth of China’s economy and the new energy needs that have come with it. By visiting various sites around Beijing, viewers are invited to dictate the path of two freelance journalist...