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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)


Long story short: Shaminder Dulai is a storyteller who specializes in not being a jerk.

Visit my portfolio, or  Twitter  Vimeo  LinkedIn  or download my resume. You can  Contact Us  me at SD(at)ShaminderDulai(dot)com   


Long story long: Shaminder is a multimedia producer, documentary and commercial photographer and independent filmmaker with a penchant for uncovering the story behind places, people and things.

With his work Shaminder strives to create images that live beyond the daily news cycle and craft journalistic narratives that allow for understanding of complex issues and coming to informed conclusions on the human level.

His work has spanned three continents and appeared in The Houston Chronicle, Mother Jones, The UK Guardian, Vibe Magazine, International Center of Photography, The Washington Post and others; earning a reputation as a researcher, collaborator and developer of new and unique perspectives.

Most recently Shaminder wrapped up a six month road trip across the USA in which he lived and produced work out of an AirStream. He also was invited to Berlin, Germany in October for a stint of code hacking and journalism with the Knight Foundation and Mozilla Foundation.

With Shaminder you get someone who comes to the table with ideas, experience and energy to plan, produce and publish so that great ideas don’t just live in the mind.

Currently Shaminder is based in New York City where he is working on a feature length documentary chronicling the backstories of Generation Y and shifting attitudes toward life and work in the wake of the recession, pushing forth innovation in journalism as an organizer with #WJchat, crafting a photo book project and secretly working on a stand up act at open mic nights.

He is available world-wide for collaborations with writers, designers, data journalist, artists, non-profits, researchers and curious types. If you have an assignment, project or idea to develop, get in touch.



SLR is for those who don’t care about f-stops and burst rates.

You can find that sh*t in Popular Photography. We’re storytellers and we’re more interested in the why.

What is it, why should you care. That’s not a question, that’s our mission statement.

SLR’s goal is to contribute to our mutual journey, bring stories to eyes, build a sense of community and inform, educate, inspire and share some laughs along the way. We plan to put out this publication, host meet-ups, provide free training, seminars and talks and listen (eventually). Listen to what you want, what you need, what you’re up to and what you’re curious about.

I’m a strong proponent of sharing what we know because each new person brings new ideas and challenges and only by collaborating do we progress in our own knowledge and understanding. From the beginning, I’m the guy who will tell everyone about the internship, the contest, the job or fellowship deadlines that are approaching. I do this knowing that I’m creating competition for myself, but I’ve never wanted to get ahead by being anything but genuine. With SLR, we aim to inspire by bringing insight and waking meditations on what’s new, different, old and timeless with thoughtful articles about the nature of what we all love and do.

If you you’d like to contribute, please get in touch.

If you can come away after every visit with a story idea, a blog idea, a debate over beers idea, we’ll have succeeded. If not, drop us a line, there’s always next time. (Idealist optimism comes with the game.)

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