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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Monthly archive March, 2008

Dith Pran dies, 65

Dith Pran, the Cambodian-born journalist whose harrowing tale of enslavement and eventual escape from that country’s murderous Khmer Rouge revolutionaries in 1979 became the subject of the award-winning film “The Killing Fields,” died Sunday. He was 65. Dith died at a New Jersey hospital Sunday morning of pancreatic cancer, according to Sydney Schanberg, his former...

Someone’s trying to tell me something…

A friend recently sent to me… I wonder if (the jerk 😛 ) is trying to tell me something?

Portfolio (singles)

My singles portfolio. Multimedia, stories and graphic work coming soon…

There are some Happy Journalist out there Auntie Em

A while back I (along with every other blogger out there?) posted about AngryJournalist. Well, in those early days it seemed like a cool idea, but what I saw in the continuing weeks was very disheartening. I’m not talking about the few fights that broke out from people calling others out on not being more...

Peep this yo! Happy Easter.

Normally I’d just throw this in my feed (look in the right column) and call it a day, but I figure it’s Easter… and this pic really makes me laugh. A bounty of mallow rained down on us this Lenten season. The Peeps came not like locusts but like meteors of great ambition and,...

Time out Tuesday (extra!extra! edition): Looking back on Iraq

Having lived through half a decade of living with the war in Iraq on the public conscience (for some of us that’s all of high school or college) and upon the cusp of a sixth year… two questions come to mind: 1. What happened to the Afghanistan war? 2. What happened and what can we...

5years: A number game

5 years 127 journalists killed (84 by murder and 43 KIA, of which 14 killed by US forces) 400,00 – 600,000 (est.) Iraqi civilians killed. 55,000 Iraqi insurgents killed 548 Contract workers killed 305 Non-Iraqis kidnapped (54 killed, 147 released, 4 escaped, 6 rescued and 94 status unknown.) 164,481 coalition troops deployed (155,000 from the...

Philip Jones Griffiths, dead

Philip Jones Griffiths passed away yesterday (or early this morning, details are still sketchy), you might remember him from his work in Vietnam and the subsequent book “Vietnam Inc.” which lead Noam Chomsky to comment on it that: “If anybody in Washington had read that book, we wouldn’t have had these wars in Iraq or...

Nice pants, oh and MultimediaShooter is back up

After giving us all a huge scare last week when was hacked, and according to Richard they messed it up so bad that he wasn’t planning on jumping back on in a hurry. (I know I couldn’t log in to the user panel at all, so it musta been something major.) “RIP… I do...

MultiMediaShooter down… not if I can help it…

MultimediaShooter is down… but I’m hoping despite what Richard, the creator of the Web site, says, it won’t stay down for long. RIP I write this with a very heavy heart: I am sorry to report that this website is down for the count. The site was recently hacked severaltimes this weekend and severe damage...

Strobist thought it was cool…

Ran into a big hunk of equipment complications today, basically I need a portable power pack, and so in my research I ended up heading over to see what ol’ man David Hobby, aka the Strobist guy, was up to these days. I see he’s posted this video for Canadian rock group “Aquaplane” which was...

Joe Swan, former SJSU PJ professor dies at 78

I never had the pleasure of meeting him, be even then, he was part of the San Jose State University family. And a man who helped make the photojournalism program at SJSU what it is and was. I probably would not be a SJSU grad today if he hadn’t been there to continue the work...