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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Will Smith and kids not shocked by Miley's VMA performance; how did so many get it wrong?

Will Smith and kids not shocked by Miley’s VMA performance; how did so many get it wrong?

Last night, if you haven’t been bombarded by it enough already (lucky you), was MTVs Video Music Awards show. Also known as that show Colbert has a beef with now. I didn’t see it, but this morning I was forced to catch up for work. If you’d told me a couple of year ago the...
"Because we're pussies" - Ira Glass. And a dozen other answers from his Reddit AMA

“Because we’re pussies” – Ira Glass. And a dozen other answers from his Reddit AMA

Ever since Louis CK logged on to Reddit about a year ago for one of the website’s signature AMAs (Ask me Anything), celebraties have been a fairly regular occurrence on the popular website. Following President Obama’s AMA in late August, the flood gates have really opened and every day there’s a new famous person falling...
How I feel having my social media invaded by #ONA12

How I feel having my social media invaded by #ONA12

  Over the last couple of days I’ve been seeing all my friends posting about one cool or interesting thing after another that’s happening at ONA, and I just find myself wishing I could be a part of it. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to join them in San Francisco so instead I’m making memes. Be...
The Super Bowl of Journalism: A #SOTU Round Up

The Super Bowl of Journalism: A #SOTU Round Up

You could say that the president’s State of the Union address each year is like the Super Bowl of web journalism. If you won’t say it, I will. It’s a single manageable time of immense importance and scrutiny and every news org is experimenting to take advantage of the web and jostling to become the top shared news provider for the...
Reader Guide: The NBA lockout is over, but its economic impact still ripple

Reader Guide: The NBA lockout is over, but its economic impact still ripple

The National Basketball Association lockout is over, and what may seem like a run of the mill sports story of high stakes brinkmanship is actually akin to a natural disaster sending economic impacts throughout local economies across the US. At its heart the NBA lockout was an exercise of kabuki theater between employees demanding a...
Delicious Saved from Sunset by YouTube Founders

Delicious Saved from Sunset by YouTube Founders

A couple of months ago the future of social bookmarking pioneer Delicious (or for you purist) looked bleak. Today, the service was sold to YouTube founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen for an undisclosed sum. The pair will fold it into their new company, AVOS. News of Delicious’ shut down broke famously on the...
Mythbusted: re35 digital "film" won't bring back your F2

Mythbusted: re35 digital “film” won’t bring back your F2

Sad but true. The “OMG I’m not a gear head but I want this gadget” that we all lusted after last week was indeed, too good to be true. I ignored the numerous grammar and spelling errors. The site was well thought out and slick and shouldn’t have had them, but I viewed them as...
Why the NTYs pay wall is a good thing, but won’t work

Why the NTYs pay wall is a good thing, but won’t work

If you’re a news junkie, use Twitter or have somehow landed on this website, you’ve no doubt already heard about the New York Times pay wall finally coming online. Months of planing, fixing glitches around the clock to the last hour and at a cost of nearly $40 million to $50 million. Publishers and media...

The promising, the inspirational and the dumb@$$

The promising is undergoing a redesign. A very clean design with simple navigation, lots of white space and tons of information without the need to scroll or click through. Plus customization like picking your local station helps to really create a “home” for the user. Plus the demo video itself is very well put...

Rocky Mountain News stops the presses

Today the last issue of the Rocky came off the presses and as the ink dried on the page, the last truck left the facilities and the newsroom doors close, it marks the end of another great photo paper. We’ve lost too many in recent years. Final Edition from Matthew Roberts on Vimeo. Also check...

Dith Pran dies, 65

Dith Pran, the Cambodian-born journalist whose harrowing tale of enslavement and eventual escape from that country’s murderous Khmer Rouge revolutionaries in 1979 became the subject of the award-winning film “The Killing Fields,” died Sunday. He was 65. Dith died at a New Jersey hospital Sunday morning of pancreatic cancer, according to Sydney Schanberg, his former...

The Obama campaign goes pop culture

In a (not so) odd (if you really think about it) nod to Americana, Obama goes for the techie vote with this clever (plagiarized?) champaign ad. I can’t imagine what Apple would say, I guess it’s nice that she’s paying homage to Apple by wearing an iPod… but wow. If this takes off, and I...