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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Monthly archive February, 2006

I’ve gone global

A few weeks ago I noticed something interesting was happening with the hits on SLR. Suddenly I was receiving a lot of hits from India. Between 1 A.M. and 2 A.M. I saw the total site percentage of hits from India go from 0.01% to nearly 50%. As it turns out, my virus story was...

Dai Sugano: The Forgotten People – Part II

I didn’t want my own reflections to overshadow Dai’s excellent work. So in an attempt to break up the focus, I’ve cut and pasted the second half of the post. There is this school of thought in photojournalism, that in order to remain objective we must remove ourselves from the equation. The idea is that...

Things I wish I knew…

Well apparently Flickr has an archive limit on the free accounts. I learned just now the hard way, that limit is 200. Well there goes my portfolio… I can’t talk now… don’t look at me! Filed under: sitenews technology photography flickr

Dai Sugano: The Forgotten People – Part I

San Jose State University photojournalism alumnus and current San Jose Mercury News staff photographer Dai Sugano has recently wrapped up a 15 month long project documenting Hmong refugees. According to photographer and educator Dr. Dennis Dunleavy’s blog, “Dai’s work is always from the heart, but hearing his voice and seeing some of the personal pictures...

From the back section!

Sort of an update to my test article for Newsvine. Which I’m not very impressed by at the moment. The fault with Newsvine is that it strives to be a community discussion group with topics and articles for debate coming from independent writers like myself. The problem is, in order to get a decent back...

Ch-ch-ch-check it out

Originally published on Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:40 AM PST at Newsvine. I’ve decided to repost the article here so that my next post will make more sense. It seems fitting that the most famous purveyors of sampling also give it’s concert goers the same privallege when it comes to a concert film. It’s no...
Ode to the Canon D2000, I still kind of hate you... old friend

Ode to the Canon D2000, I still kind of hate you… old friend

The other night Daniel Sato reminded me of Dr. Dennis Dunleavy’s March 2005 post about my experience in Reno, NV for the 2005 NCAA WAC basketball tournament. Dennis wrote: “Tonight, while helping out on the Spartan Daily, we were waiting for Shaminder to email some images he made at a basketball tournament in Reno. When...

New virus targets photographers

A new virus has been making headlines lately, and this one is nasty. It targets photographers who use Photoshop. Which means it targets 99% of us. (It also targets your Microsoft Office files, but we got file info for captions.) It’s a worm that users have unknowingly downloaded to their systems, and it’s set to...

OpenRAW survey looking for your feedback

The OpenRAW initiative is a photography-oriented group that advocates the open documentation of digital camera RAW files. According to OpenRaw: During the past several months, photographers have become increasingly aware of the actions of camera makers to conceal – and in some cases, to encrypt – information stored in RAW image files. These actions have...