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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Posts tagged "ethics"
SnapDap: Drew Angerer's Clinton surprise

SnapDap: Drew Angerer’s Clinton surprise

Welcome to the latest installment of SnapDap, a series of posts where we give props to a single image, story or project and the photographers behind them. If there’s something inspiring your eye and you;d like to see it featured in a future installment, please let us know in the comments below! A couple weeks...

Albuquerque police officer attacks photographer

You see that man in the picture to the left. That’s officer D. Guzman. He is an asshole. The kind of cop that gives good cops a bad name. Read the story and check out the video. And then try not being outraged like I am right now. This is outlandish and should not be...

CPOY 2008 winners announced

The annual contest marking the best work coming out of college photographers announced their picks for 2008. A lot of familiar names on there and a few really gripping images to. Although some of the images left me scratching my head, I won’t name names but how it is in one breath we denounce overdoing...

We’ll always have Paris…oy…if you want to or not

When I got up this morning to run an errand, the radio was talking about Paris Hilton… when I logged on to check my e-mail the top news blurb on Yahoo was of Paris Hilton… When I turned on the noon news on TV, the top news spot was about Paris Hilton. We are a...

Asian Representations in American Cinema Developed for a Teenage Audience or Why Doesn’t Anyone Look Like Me?

In another life I spent more than a few years writing film reviews and essays of new and old, classic and infamous, good and bad films for various websites and any press outlets that would have me. Recently I had the chance to revisit my old passion when it came time to produce a research...

First rule of Journalism– don’t have a bias!

Wow… and they say they’re fair and balanced. Fox News apparently decided that the world was showering Kurt Vonnegut’s memory with too much admiration and respect– you know with all the ticker tape parades, national day of mourning and panicked children rocking back and forth in corners of rooms the world over. Clearly someone needed...

Another case of ethics?

I had thought about chiming in on Allan Detrich’s firing from the Toledo Blade after it was discovered that he turned in some altered images as the genuine article, but there was nothing I felt I could add to the debate that hadn’t already been said. And besides, you’ve got Detrich himself speaking about the...

Nachtwey speakes, minds blown

James Nachtwey, the closest thing our industry has to a rock star, gained mainstream recognition after his documentary “War Photographer” captured Oscar voters eyes, but he hasn’t always been the most outspoken. So when he speaks, I for one listen. Accepting his 2007 TED Prize, James Nachtwey talks about his decades as a photojournalist. A...

I’m glad Mr, Stewart agrees… whew!

When I posted my reflections on Imus I was afraid that some might miss the point I was trying to make, but thanks to a video a friend sent my way, I’m glad to see my thinking wasn’t quite as radical as I first believed.

Imus Firing May Create a Slippery Slope

Today Don Imus, who unless you’ve been under a rock, you know has been at the center of a media storm involving the Scarlet Knights of Rutgers basketball team and some comments he made to his producer at “Imus in the Morning,” was fired. Imus made the statements before Easter weekend and there was a...

A cold case never goes cold for a family

"Not just a number" interview

A quasi-update on an earlier post I made about the Not Just a Number series now appearing on the Oakland Tribune… as I do from time to time, I headed over to Ryan Sholin’s blog to check out what nuggets of reflection he’s got in store for me to ponder when lo and behold I...