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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Latest entries
"Because we're pussies" - Ira Glass. And a dozen other answers from his Reddit AMA

“Because we’re pussies” – Ira Glass. And a dozen other answers from his Reddit AMA

Ever since Louis CK logged on to Reddit about a year ago for one of the website’s signature AMAs (Ask me Anything), celebraties have been a fairly regular occurrence on the popular website. Following President Obama’s AMA in late August, the flood gates have really opened and every day there’s a new famous person falling...
Our obsession with being online is the perfect reason for #GetOfflineDay

Our obsession with being online is the perfect reason for #GetOfflineDay

A couple of months ago my good friend Roberto Rosales had upgraded his phone and decided to toss me his old iPhone 3Gs. When I told my friends I’d finally be able to join them on Instagram and Draw Something, one of them remarked  “pooping will never be the same…” I’m using it now as an iPod Touch...
How I feel having my social media invaded by #ONA12

How I feel having my social media invaded by #ONA12

  Over the last couple of days I’ve been seeing all my friends posting about one cool or interesting thing after another that’s happening at ONA, and I just find myself wishing I could be a part of it. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to join them in San Francisco so instead I’m making memes. Be...
Lens selection and the lava monster from the center of the earth

Lens selection and the lava monster from the center of the earth

Came across this very dramatic video yesterday of a group of freelance photographers and adventures heading down into a volcano, and right away I was amazed by what people were saying, but not for the reasons you may think. “With Fire Brigade breathing apparatus and heat proof proximity suit it was possible to stand on the very edge...
Thanks to Maynard Institute for recognizing my work

Thanks to Maynard Institute for recognizing my work

I was a little hesitant to post about this here, but as my friends have informed me, I’m being a stereotypical humble Asian and I need to cut that stuff out. Only they didn’t say “stuff.” Earlier this month The Maynard Institute recognized me in their series of journalist of color worth noting. Each day for the month...
New internet scam preys on distant relatives

New internet scam preys on distant relatives

I’ve been looking into Kickstarter a lot over the last year, if you’re a journo, you might remember Spot.Us, Kickstarter is basically the same thing but with lots more poetry projects and bad videos. There’s so much out there about how amazing it is, but I don’t know… the platform’s been picking up steam for...
Time Out Tuesday: Denton Pedicab

Time Out Tuesday: Denton Pedicab

“Denton Pedicab” is a beautifully shot and produced short documentray on an immigrant entrepreneur who found a cheap solution for barhoppers in “a drinking town with a college problem.” Laurent Prouvost noticed that after a night of drinking, students from nearby University of Northern Texas, in Denton, Texas, were choosing to drive home drunk rather...
Geo-tagged videos reveal a mosaic of stories

Geo-tagged videos reveal a mosaic of stories

The folks down at seem to have come up with a novel idea for organizing an overflow of video stories by narrowing it down to geo-data points on a very nicely designed interactive map. They aren’t focused on journalism, but that doesn’t mean it can’t inspire us. I think it’s worth checking out, and...
SnapDap: Drew Angerer's Clinton surprise

SnapDap: Drew Angerer’s Clinton surprise

Welcome to the latest installment of SnapDap, a series of posts where we give props to a single image, story or project and the photographers behind them. If there’s something inspiring your eye and you;d like to see it featured in a future installment, please let us know in the comments below! A couple weeks...
Tortuga Photo Workshops postcards are here, plus applications are live!

Tortuga Photo Workshops postcards are here, plus applications are live!

It wasn’t easy and for a moment it appeared that UPS was going to tag them as undeliverable– long story but basically my NYC apartment building has a broken doorbell to my apartment, so I had to stand outside between 10am and 6pm to catch the delivery guy– but that all does not matter now, because they’re finally here! And...
If you don't suck at first, you're not doing it right

If you don’t suck at first, you’re not doing it right

Let me preface this post by saying that Louis CK inspired today’s musings. Why is that pertinent, it’s not really, but I’m not so secretly hoping he’ll google himself and end up here and then we’ll go down to the Comedy Cellar together and form a two man tribute band which only plays The Seeds Mr. Farmer...
Making paper while filling papers #Jcarn

Making paper while filling papers #Jcarn

Once again, welcome to my latest post for #JCarn. The Carnival of Journalism is a loose collection of journalism thinkers (and people like me) who get together to post on their blogs with their reflections on a given prompt. This month guest ringmaster Michael Rosenblum asks “Can a good journalist also be a good capitalist?”...