New faces, old faces, many laughes and a sunset on the beach
by sdulai on Mar 17, 2007 • 12:45 am No CommentsLast Saturday I had the pleasure of hanging out with some of the new students in the PJ program at San Jose State University during our NPPA chapter sponsored Spring Shootout in Capitola.
In between lessons of technique, I had a great time getting to know some of the new faces I keep seeing and finding out more about the thoughts floating around behind those faces.
Here’s a bite-sized snack-sized taste of the day’s events (extended cut to come).
Many of the students doubled up and turned the shoot into an opportunity to do some multimedia projects. One such project was Daniel Sato’s exploration (and Mark II N envy inducement production) of movement and lyrical storytelling.
And if you’d like to see some of the projects, the students will be presenting them soon to their classes and then posting them to the SJSU NPPA website.