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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Posts tagged "photo"
Tortuga Photo Workshops postcards are here, plus applications are live!

Tortuga Photo Workshops postcards are here, plus applications are live!

It wasn’t easy and for a moment it appeared that UPS was going to tag them as undeliverable– long story but basically my NYC apartment building has a broken doorbell to my apartment, so I had to stand outside between 10am and 6pm to catch the delivery guy– but that all does not matter now, because they’re finally here! And...

Someone’s trying to tell me something…

A friend recently sent to me… I wonder if (the jerk 😛 ) is trying to tell me something?

Photoshop on your iPhone!

Double awesome!!

Less pin-up, more set-up

I’ve never had cable TV before, but at my new place I’ve been watching it a bit and I’ve noticed there are a lot of advertisements with scantily clad women and commercials of models having their picture taken. My roommate also buys a bunch of tuner magazines and these always have scantily clad women all...

It’s like clock work, Canon announces the 40D

Yeah it’s basically an advertisement for Canon, but the 40D has finally been made official, that’s awesome! (Time to pick up a 30D on the cheap?) It brings the Live View from the MarkIII, bumps up the pixels to 10 million, brings over the dust reducing sensor shake from the Rebel XTi and is just...

Stop motion photo + Modest Mouse = Multimedia goodness

One of my favorite bands (I’m digging the nautical theme on the new album) gets the flip book treatment for a recent contest that challenged fans to make a music video. According to the discription it’s 4133 poster images created from footage provided by the band. The video was turned into screen grabs and then...

A serendipitous end at the Santa Cruz Sentinel

My time at the Santa Cruz Sentinel has come to an end, last Wednesday was my last. I worked Mondays, and it was kinda weird waking up and not having to drive for an hour over over the hill today. Everything has to come to an end sometime. For my last day there wasn’t much...

The return of the light table

Microsoft came out with this new do-hickey (that’s a technical term BTW, don’t hurt yourself trying to say it) that’s a table top touch screen PC today and that got me thinking (don’t worry, it didn’t hurt much), why not use them as light tables? I remember the old days of taking a loop and...

Portfolio always in flux

The last couple months I’ve been living and dying with my portfolio as I look through it over and over, change it up constantly and formulate game plans for future stories. I’ve been thinking of what works and what doesn’t. What editors will want to see and what they couldn’t care less about. What will...

Another case of ethics?

I had thought about chiming in on Allan Detrich’s firing from the Toledo Blade after it was discovered that he turned in some altered images as the genuine article, but there was nothing I felt I could add to the debate that hadn’t already been said. And besides, you’ve got Detrich himself speaking about the...

At the tone the time will be… an arm and a leg

For thousands of years man has been waking up and going to sleep and in between he has always asked the same question, a question that has pluaged every society, destroyed nations and united strangers, a question that will never die and had no birth. It is the question that defines us: “when do we...

Multimedia Shooter contest winners

I’ve been meaning to post this for a while, but someone cruel once decided that humans need sleep. If you’re like me you’re always looking for inspiration and one of the places I’ve found it was in looking over the winners of Multimedia Shooter’s first anything-goes contest held last March. There’s a couple of really...