Welcome to Time out Tuesdays, where we stop for a moment and take a break from our hectic daily assignments and blistering pace of deadlines, errands, reporting and trying to remember to slip a lunch in there and instead take a deep breath and remind ourselves why we do this by peeping some inspiration.

It’s a a new feature on SLR where every week I will post a link to a piece that is inspiring me, and trust me it won’t be the usual stuff you might be thinking of.

You might be wondering why am I doing this.

After all, we’ve got Journerdism, Multimedia Shooter (Oh Richard thank you for the new design), News Videographer (seriously Angela, sleep), Mindy McAdams, the Center for Innovation in College Media (one of my projects was once featured there, no that’s not bragging… okay a little) and Interactive Narratives(which I hope isn’t as dead as it looks… it hasn’t been a year yet). Not to mention Daniel also jumped on the trend recently as well.

So why?

It’s simple, first you can’t have to much of a good thing. Second, it’s important to always have your pulse on what is developing and to look for inspiration wherever it is.

So while I may be providing both my readers a small service, it’s mostly a selfish act that will give me the motivation to constantly seek out the cream of the crop and re-examine what I aspire to.

If you’re wondering why Tuesdays, because that’s my day off from the Albuquerque Journal.

This week I grappled with the idea of what will take the honor of being the first selection ever (well, my mom thinks it’s a big honor… are you calling my mom a liar?) and after trying to find a few things I wanted to find, but couldn’t I ran across this Magnum in Motion produced piece on David Hurn and his photographs of the The Beatles on the set of A Hard Days Night (an excellent film for inspiration BTW).

I like it for its seamless marriage of historical narrative and new-media MTV editing. Plus there’s some very nice play with typography that adds to the production. It’s an archival documentary with a new media twist, and it’s done right.