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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Monthly archive March, 2008

All the presidents boys get mash’d-up

This is just one of those things that is just too perfect for me to not post. That part after the first drop beat is sheer brilliance. I seem to have a weakness for clever editing, the Beastie Boys, good Robert Redford movies and engaging dramas based on journalistic endeavors. (Which reminds me I still...

Hello ladies, apparently me have something in common

Today is March 8th and apparently the ladies, or lay-dies as I prefer, and I have something in common. No, it’s not that we both cry at weddings, like Audrey Hepburn movies or secretly wonder if we’d be able to stop ourselves from throwing ourselves at George Clooney and screaming like a school girl in...

SJSU Multimedia Academy launch

I may not be at San Jose State University anymore, but last week one of our projects during my time finally moved from a great idea to the real deal. The SJSU Multimedia Academy was brainstormed last spring as a multi-year, world-wide program to explore the stories that litter the planet, just waiting to be...

Quick Hits: Kids with Guns

Tim Hussin, who is interning at the Deseret Morning News, decided to fill in his time away from work with, what he describes as an opportunity: “I just wanted to go as overboard as I could with it. And I wanted to experiment with garageband.” And experiment he did with “Kids with Guns,” a feature...

I’m right here Roberto!

That guy right there on the right who’s hugging the hell out of me (or looks likes he about to tackle me?), that’s Roberto Rosales, a staff shooter from the ABQ Journal, and apparently he misses me. We’re also flanked by Jim Thompson, center, and Greg Sorber, left, also staff shooters that had been great...

Re: I need a haircut…

Ok… this is just too good not to share… Arriving in my e-mail a few hours after my last post, my good buddy Daniel Esch decided to not be shackled by the distance between us and took it upon himself to share his razor sharp wit and knowledge of all things awesome. A Biz Markie...

$12, 12 hours, 12 musicians

I’m sure you’ve all heard about the 48 Hour Film Fest and a few of you may have heard of 24 House Comic Day, but I’m pretty sure not to many have heard of the inaugural Crate Digger Deathmatch, a 12 hour contest that challenges contestants to spend $12 on supplies and produce an album...

I need a haircut…

Ok… I’m giving in, once it starts whipping me in my own eyes, it’s time. That’s me back in August when I first arrived to start in ABQ. And here I am about 2 weeks ago. In between zero trims. So there. Also, some people out there have expressed that I’m not posting enough pics,...