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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Latest entries
Veterans Day 2009

Veterans Day 2009

This year for Veterans day I was sent to a new GI Forum housing and a work center for homeless veterans. It’s part of a larger campus called Haven for Hope which is all designed around aiding the homeless and low income folks in need of a hand. The campus isn’t open 100% yet, they...
Jesus hates you?

Jesus hates you?

With all the social media and the blogs and vlogs (that’s still a thing right?) and the knick-knack and what have you, there’s a lot of stuff out there to keep you busy 24/7. After IM’ing with an old college buddy the other night, I got to thinking about chat rooms. Are they still around...
Stopping by at Can’t Stop Street

Stopping by at Can’t Stop Street

Everyday as I leave for work I drive past a man who walks up and down my street with a broom. When I come back he’s still walking. Years ago I lived next to a women who every Thursday morning, before the sun came out, would cruise through recycling bins. A few months later the...

Butterfly Migration

Turns out there’s a family of the monarch butterflies which migrate through south Texas and today I had the opportunity to make a two hour drive to spend the day in a sea of them fluttering all around me. For a day, I feel like I’m back in California 🙂 There’s more pictures if you’re...

Sinkhole recharge

A series of caves in Stone Oak City Park are part of the recharge zone for the aquifer.
Lost in translation

Lost in translation

When I was handed an assignment sheet to cover the San Anto Cultural Arts press conference, I was a bit confused. They’re going to crown King and Queen Huevo? “Eggs,” I thought. “Am I losing something in translation here?” It turns out my two years of bumbling through high school Spanish had once again come...

Time out Tuesday: Art Heist

This week I came across a piece of marketing for HBO that just had me hooked for hours. And it wasn’t because of anything slick from the PR department, it was all about the storytelling. “Art Heist” is an interactive website which invites you to explore a story in a non liner narrative. Each of...

Time out Tuesday: Choosing Thomas

When Deidrea and T.K. Laux learned during their first pregnancy that their unborn child had trisomy 13 (a rare DNA abnormality which makes it impossible for newborns to live more than a couple hours to days outside the womb) they were faced with a choice, carry the child to term and say goodbye to him...

Time out Tuesday: Journey to the End of Coal

This week I’ve found something that is just cool. Very very cool. Journey to the End of Coal takes a look at the exploding growth of China’s economy and the new energy needs that have come with it. By visiting various sites around Beijing, viewers are invited to dictate the path of two freelance journalist...
They came from over the hills

They came from over the hills

Do you remember that scene from Jurassic Park where the Tyrannosaurus Rex first appears? I never remember the dinosaurs or the car or the screaming kids from that scene, I mean I do eventually, but it’s not the first thing I think of. I remember the water, and how it vibrated like a door ringer...

Time out Tuesday: In Bb 2.0

I sat in on a lecture about social media recently and a gentleman asked the speaker what was the point. It was an interesting question, and answer seemed obvious. To explore new art forms and models of communication. To bring a simple medium to the people. And ideally to collaborate. The first two have been...
Late night drive

Late night drive

The other night we finally had some rain in San Antonio and it brought along some lighting to boot. In California lighting storms are pretty rare and I was feeling the itch to explore the light. So I grabbed my cellphone, sent off a Twitter update– “Going for a late night drive in the rain....