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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Posts tagged "funstuff"

The promising, the inspirational and the dumb@$$

The promising is undergoing a redesign. A very clean design with simple navigation, lots of white space and tons of information without the need to scroll or click through. Plus customization like picking your local station helps to really create a “home” for the user. Plus the demo video itself is very well put...

Fun with Photoshop

The one thing I enjoy just as much, if not more, than photojournalism is film and animation (which is why I love LOVE multimedia so much)! Here’s a short film that combines photo(shop) and animation to illustrate the creative differences that can sometimes get in the way of progress. Enjoy! Animator vs. Animation by *alanbecker...

It’s World Press Day, my friend says hi

A good friend from Albuquerque reminds me today is World Press Day and sent me this e-mail to make the occasion. I thought was pretty awesome of her and thought I’d share the joy. (Plus it gives me a chance to try out the video capture function of my new image capture program.) Enjoy! *Edit/update…...

Someone’s trying to tell me something…

A friend recently sent to me… I wonder if (the jerk 😛 ) is trying to tell me something?

There are some Happy Journalist out there Auntie Em

A while back I (along with every other blogger out there?) posted about AngryJournalist. Well, in those early days it seemed like a cool idea, but what I saw in the continuing weeks was very disheartening. I’m not talking about the few fights that broke out from people calling others out on not being more...

Peep this yo! Happy Easter.

Normally I’d just throw this in my feed (look in the right column) and call it a day, but I figure it’s Easter… and this pic really makes me laugh. A bounty of mallow rained down on us this Lenten season. The Peeps came not like locusts but like meteors of great ambition and,...

All the presidents boys get mash’d-up

This is just one of those things that is just too perfect for me to not post. That part after the first drop beat is sheer brilliance. I seem to have a weakness for clever editing, the Beastie Boys, good Robert Redford movies and engaging dramas based on journalistic endeavors. (Which reminds me I still...

$12, 12 hours, 12 musicians

I’m sure you’ve all heard about the 48 Hour Film Fest and a few of you may have heard of 24 House Comic Day, but I’m pretty sure not to many have heard of the inaugural Crate Digger Deathmatch, a 12 hour contest that challenges contestants to spend $12 on supplies and produce an album...

Stop the presses! It’s time to vent!

Today I ran across the greatest Web site in the world and just had to share (and also because I know it’ll get lost in my delicious and I wanna make sure I check it out later). Of course I haven’t really vented yet, for one I’m unemployed now so there isn’t any job to...

Finally a use for Twitter I understand

Scrolling by Google Maps the other day, continuing with my OCD fueled need to always check the maps before heading out for an assignment, I noticed a little button for Super Tuesday elections. I thought about writing something about how Twitter and Google teamed up to produce this real-time update of election proceedings with Twitter...

Tracking Santa

It’s cold, I’m tired and there’s a few cool things Santa related that I ran across… soooo… It’s light and fluffy time. Wired Magazine has a really funny article in the December issue that breaks down how one man can run such an empire and still do it year after year, the high tech way...

The best layout in the history of newspapers (take a long hard look)

Do you see it? No? Focus on the center. Take a look at the two pictures, and no they aren’t from the same story. It maybe hard to read here, but the top image is a stand alone feature and the one below it is a news story on a stolen wallet, the surveillance camera...