I can’t make it unfortunately, darn this actually working and getting paid to take pictures thing, but we worked real hard at SJSU to pull this off so if you make it, let me know what you thought. Also, check out the new site we created for the short course. To keep the theme of...
Just moments ago, SJSU PJ Department head Dr. D. Michael Cheers, and this summers fellow at National Geographic, sent me an e-mail that our project, formerly under wraps, had a new national backer. National Geographic. He asked me to pass the word, so, here we go: National Geographic has joined The San Jose Mercury News...
I have a lot of random thoughts throughout the day, today I had one that I just had to write down. It was supposed to be only one sentence and part of a new series I was toying around with, but as it so often happens I got on top of the soapbox and looking...
Last Saturday I had the pleasure of hanging out with some of the new students in the PJ program at San Jose State University during our NPPA chapter sponsored Spring Shootout in Capitola. In between lessons of technique, I had a great time getting to know some of the new faces I keep seeing and...
SJSU NPPA presents Brad Mangin. Click the poster (designed by you’re truly) for the details. See you there!