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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Posts tagged "personal"

PhotoJournal: When in Rome, post a Veteran’s day pic

It was just another of those men in pressed suits giving speeches about how great they are things, but for the veterans that came out to hear them I could see it meant a lot. Fred was very interesting. At first he didn’t notice me, when he did he tried to force a smile and...

Last night I dreamt of my portfolio

It’s true… sadly. I was actually dreaming of sitting in a room staring at a wall of images and there were earthquakes every so often and every time the walls shook, different pictures would fall off the wall and other ones would fly on to it. It was crazy, like some Calvin Kline ad from...

What is my vision?

Over the past couple weeks, well 2, but 2 is a couple… unless your a weirdo, are you a weirdo… now where was I… Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been sending e-mails and collections of pictures around to people I’ve gone to in the past, have worked with me, have had some role...

Newspaper’s biggest failure and for some reason we continue to ignore it

The biggest failure of the newspaper industry has been failing to change and adapt with its audience. We all say that readership is down and that newspapers are dying (a moment of silence for our brothers and sisters at the Dallas Morning News) and frankly subscribers are dying (old age) and we aren’t getting new...

I got lead art (on the web)

Well, I may not have gotten front page (yet… oh yes, it shall be mine…) but I did end up scoring lead art on the paper’s website. Which I just happened to visit by chance and was pleasantly surprised by. Not so much that my picture was there, but because the website actually looked pretty...

Burma protest

If you’re a photographer and have paid even the slightest sliver of attention to world events, you’ve no doubt heard of what is happening in Burma and most likely you’ve heard of or seen images of Kenji Nagai, 50, the Japanese photographer who was working for Tokyo-based video and photo agency APF News, that was...

I’m on the case Sherlock!

Today’s post is mainly for Michelle Le, it’s a little inside but she’ll know what it means… but the rest of the world can use this as an excuse to check out some cool light and think of other ways to use an extender as a magnifying glass.

How’d this happen?

A former editor recently dropped me a line and pointed out that for a photographer I sure haven’t been posting many pictures to SLR… so, here we go as today we ask, how’d this happen? It must be some sick twisted joke.

That’s all folk!

Well, I’m a bit swapped today with a ton of work and projects on the back burner, so I thought I’d let an old friend take over SLR and do the posting for the day. Take a look and let me know how he does, it’s sometimes hard to tell what he’s saying so don’t...

I got a flat tire

I don’t get it… first the laptops and now a flat tire. It’s almost the worst thing that can happen, especially after I had just come home from shooting the University of New Mexico football game until 12am and had to be up at 5am for a marathon. Being a young hungry intern, you don’t...

Postcards from the road to ABQ

While I was driving over to ABQ, as I tend to do, I jotted a few my thoughts on the scraps of paper within arms reach. Here’s a few of the sights and sounds I noticed on the road to Albuquerque… -The way it worked out, to cross over to Arizona I had to cross...

Another one bites the dust

No I’m not talking about Alberto Gonzales and the mass exodus of the Bush administration, I’m talking about my laptop battery. Yup, it can’t hold a charge anymore, and I’ve been very limited in my online time. Darn. I thought that only happened to Apple folks, seriously how many of you have not had to...