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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Posts tagged "photojournalism"
Things never to say to a photojournalist

Things never to say to a photojournalist

Designer Ron Reason, and old Poynter friend, recently posted an item on his blog about things never to say to a photojournalist. Ron and PJ Jedi Kenny Irby, in an effort to gain/earn more respect in newsrooms for editorial designers, artists, and photographers, decided to have a little fun and started asking friends and colleagues...

Rocky Mountain News stops the presses

Today the last issue of the Rocky came off the presses and as the ink dried on the page, the last truck left the facilities and the newsroom doors close, it marks the end of another great photo paper. We’ve lost too many in recent years. Final Edition from Matthew Roberts on Vimeo. Also check...

Las Vegas Sun is hiring… GO!!!

I bookmarked this on Delicious, which in turn was feed to my twitter, but it’s just too big to leave it at that. The Las Vegas Sun is hiring and if you’re wise, you’d apply. For one there aren’t many places hiring, but bigger than that, the Sun is one of the few papers that...

Still waiting for Photosynth 1.0 and now they’re dangling 2.0 as well

I wrote about Photosynth last year, with great excitement and at great length I might add (with too much length and excitement some of you might add) and after all this waiting and not seeing anything come out of it, I’m now getting all excited for the next evolution of this software. The idea of...

The resurection of the OG

Interactive Narratives is back! It’s back and thank goodness! After the fall of MultimediaShooter I was itching for a place to see multimedia on a consistent basis. Five years ago, IN founder Andrew DeVigal was snatched up by the New York Times and the web site slowly stopped seeing updates. But now its back and...

Albuquerque police officer attacks photographer

You see that man in the picture to the left. That’s officer D. Guzman. He is an asshole. The kind of cop that gives good cops a bad name. Read the story and check out the video. And then try not being outraged like I am right now. This is outlandish and should not be...

Ivan ends up on

Old friend and SJSU alum Ivan Kashinsky recently had a story published on Time magazine’s Web site. Ivan documented Pablo Fajardo, a lawyer who represents 30,000 Ecuadorians in a lawsuit against the oil giant Chevron. The lawsuit alleges that Texaco, acquired by Chevron in 2001, left behind oil waste pits during the eighteen years in...

I’m in

Dear friends, family, colleges, mentors, random SLR readers, exs past, present and future, hangers-ons and one Yorkshire named Bentley… I’ve got some big (ahem BIG!) news to share. Either someone is playing an elaborate prank on me, or I just became the newest Hearst Fellowship Recipient. I just got the call on Sunday from Kenn...

Houston Highjinx

Another one from the file “I haven’t mentioned it because it felt like bragging,” a few months ago I got a call informing me I was a finalist for the Hearst Fellowship. There are 12 of us now and they’ll soon narrow us down to the final four selected (which kinda sucks! I’ve meet some...

Dith Pran dies, 65

Dith Pran, the Cambodian-born journalist whose harrowing tale of enslavement and eventual escape from that country’s murderous Khmer Rouge revolutionaries in 1979 became the subject of the award-winning film “The Killing Fields,” died Sunday. He was 65. Dith died at a New Jersey hospital Sunday morning of pancreatic cancer, according to Sydney Schanberg, his former...

Philip Jones Griffiths, dead

Philip Jones Griffiths passed away yesterday (or early this morning, details are still sketchy), you might remember him from his work in Vietnam and the subsequent book “Vietnam Inc.” which lead Noam Chomsky to comment on it that: “If anybody in Washington had read that book, we wouldn’t have had these wars in Iraq or...

Nice pants, oh and MultimediaShooter is back up

After giving us all a huge scare last week when was hacked, and according to Richard they messed it up so bad that he wasn’t planning on jumping back on in a hurry. (I know I couldn’t log in to the user panel at all, so it musta been something major.) “RIP… I do...