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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Posts tagged "photojournalism"

A little house cleaning (e.g. shameless self promtion)

Well it seems after a flurry of activity on SLR I got a little too busy and haven’t been posting. Where was I? I said I’ve been busy (and I’m OK mom), really really busy. The past month I’ve started, stopped, continued and dropped about a half dozen projects and story ideas as I continue...

Cake and software and multimedia and random thoughts

There should be a software application called “Cake” and then you’re slogan could be “and you can eat it to”… and you can make T-Shirts that say “eat it!” And the program would be for letting us create Hollywood style special effects in our multimedia pieces. (Hey I said the thoughts were random, I just...

Multimedia isn’t making the world fall apart, photojournalism is just evolving

I have a lot of random thoughts throughout the day, today I had one that I just had to write down. It was supposed to be only one sentence and part of a new series I was toying around with, but as it so often happens I got on top of the soapbox and looking...

Sitting on the advice of giants… or knowledge bombs from people who are better than me

From time to time I get to talk to people who I genuinely admire and turn to for advice and debate the latest news with. Up till now, I’ve always said I’d post some of these talks to SLR, and they’ve always given me permission to, but I’ve just never gotten around to it. That...

A serendipitous end at the Santa Cruz Sentinel

My time at the Santa Cruz Sentinel has come to an end, last Wednesday was my last. I worked Mondays, and it was kinda weird waking up and not having to drive for an hour over over the hill today. Everything has to come to an end sometime. For my last day there wasn’t much...

Portfolio always in flux

The last couple months I’ve been living and dying with my portfolio as I look through it over and over, change it up constantly and formulate game plans for future stories. I’ve been thinking of what works and what doesn’t. What editors will want to see and what they couldn’t care less about. What will...

What a crazy day I’m having

Sometimes you just have to sit back and say… wow… just wow. I came in today to the internship and shot six assignments and produced a multimedia piece, so all in all, not bad. But just looking it over, in the end it was one crazy day. A crazy racist lady wanted to know where...

I think I might like baseball… gulp!

The last couple of days I’ve been shooting a lot of high school baseball and softball games and I’m afraid I may like baseball now. I always said I didn’t like baseball because it was boring and slow and I hated sitting still and watching grown men spit and scratch and stretch and stand for...

Another case of ethics?

I had thought about chiming in on Allan Detrich’s firing from the Toledo Blade after it was discovered that he turned in some altered images as the genuine article, but there was nothing I felt I could add to the debate that hadn’t already been said. And besides, you’ve got Detrich himself speaking about the...

Virginia Tech student press presses on

With the news of what happened, why it happened, who to blame and my own circle of friends wondering why the media has latched onto the shooters immigrant status (is this relevant in anyway? That’s like saying he liked hats.), it’s easy to see how some angles of the story have been overlooked. Thanks to...

Nachtwey speakes, minds blown

James Nachtwey, the closest thing our industry has to a rock star, gained mainstream recognition after his documentary “War Photographer” captured Oscar voters eyes, but he hasn’t always been the most outspoken. So when he speaks, I for one listen. Accepting his 2007 TED Prize, James Nachtwey talks about his decades as a photojournalist. A...

Multimedia Shooter contest winners

I’ve been meaning to post this for a while, but someone cruel once decided that humans need sleep. If you’re like me you’re always looking for inspiration and one of the places I’ve found it was in looking over the winners of Multimedia Shooter’s first anything-goes contest held last March. There’s a couple of really...