This entry is part of a series of #moznewslab posts that I’ll publish over the course of my time as a participant in the Knight-Mozilla learning lab. On the merits of a video idea“that will improve the way that online news is produced or experienced” I was invited to the second round of the Knight-Mozilla Fellowship....
This entry is part of a series of #moznewslab posts that I’ll publish over the course of my time as a participant in the Knight-Mozilla learning lab. On the merits of a video idea“that will improve the way that online news is produced or experienced” I was invited to the second round of the Knight-Mozilla Fellowship....
I wrote about Photosynth last year, with great excitement and at great length I might add (with too much length and excitement some of you might add) and after all this waiting and not seeing anything come out of it, I’m now getting all excited for the next evolution of this software. The idea of...
I was an early adopter of Twitter, signing up for it in the wake of the buzz it created at South by Southwest 2007, but I didn’t write anything for a couple weeks, unsure of what I could use it for or even who would care what I had to say. At the time I...
Ran into a big hunk of equipment complications today, basically I need a portable power pack, and so in my research I ended up heading over to see what ol’ man David Hobby, aka the Strobist guy, was up to these days. I see he’s posted this video for Canadian rock group “Aquaplane” which was...
Scrolling by Google Maps the other day, continuing with my OCD fueled need to always check the maps before heading out for an assignment, I noticed a little button for Super Tuesday elections. I thought about writing something about how Twitter and Google teamed up to produce this real-time update of election proceedings with Twitter...
I don’t write about technology often, I know, this coming from the guy that posts about video-hosting websites, new cameras, RAW processing and Microsoft’s table computer thing, but honest I don’t do it often, check! Anywho I was looking at the Natchway speech from the TED awards again, and I saw this other video on...
The biggest failure of the newspaper industry has been failing to change and adapt with its audience. We all say that readership is down and that newspapers are dying (a moment of silence for our brothers and sisters at the Dallas Morning News) and frankly subscribers are dying (old age) and we aren’t getting new...
Double awesome!!
No I’m not talking about Alberto Gonzales and the mass exodus of the Bush administration, I’m talking about my laptop battery. Yup, it can’t hold a charge anymore, and I’ve been very limited in my online time. Darn. I thought that only happened to Apple folks, seriously how many of you have not had to...
This is my pledge to you, I will post something new everyday for the next two weeks. Why? I’m curious to see what happens. Also, late last year I finally added my feed to SLR, you can find it in the column on the right, just scroll down a bit. I’ve been posting a...
Yeah it’s basically an advertisement for Canon, but the 40D has finally been made official, that’s awesome! (Time to pick up a 30D on the cheap?) It brings the Live View from the MarkIII, bumps up the pixels to 10 million, brings over the dust reducing sensor shake from the Rebel XTi and is just...