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Thanks for visiting SLR, the blog side of this website. An evolving work in progress with reflections on visual-journalism, emerging photographic technology, ethics, politics, cultural views, and a few laughs along the way. All opinions expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of any employer, the industry or anyone not named Shaminder Dulai. (Google me, I’m the only one… online at least.)
Posts tagged "video inspiration"

Time out Tuesday: Art Heist

This week I came across a piece of marketing for HBO that just had me hooked for hours. And it wasn’t because of anything slick from the PR department, it was all about the storytelling. “Art Heist” is an interactive website which invites you to explore a story in a non liner narrative. Each of...

Time out Tuesday: Journey to the End of Coal

This week I’ve found something that is just cool. Very very cool. Journey to the End of Coal takes a look at the exploding growth of China’s economy and the new energy needs that have come with it. By visiting various sites around Beijing, viewers are invited to dictate the path of two freelance journalist...

Time out Tuesday: In Bb 2.0

I sat in on a lecture about social media recently and a gentleman asked the speaker what was the point. It was an interesting question, and answer seemed obvious. To explore new art forms and models of communication. To bring a simple medium to the people. And ideally to collaborate. The first two have been...

Time out Tuesday: Ira Glass on Storytelling

I don’t even think I have validate this entry to time out, it’s F’n Ira Glass, women like his style and men have been ripping off his hipster style for years. The host of PBS radios “This American Life” has carved out a piece of the radio landscape and delivers each week the find of...

Time out Tuesday: Dr. Horrible

Ok ok, so two weeks ago I did kind of cop out by posting Spaced, but you know you enjoyed it. 😉 It’s 42 min, but if you haven’t seen it, you are so missing out on something awesome. The controversial ending alone is genius. Created during the writer’s strike in 2008, it was basically...

The promising, the inspirational and the dumb@$$

The promising is undergoing a redesign. A very clean design with simple navigation, lots of white space and tons of information without the need to scroll or click through. Plus customization like picking your local station helps to really create a “home” for the user. Plus the demo video itself is very well put...

Time out Tuesday: Sour’s ‘Hibi no Neiro’

I have no idea what they are saying, but that is some inventive use of a worldwide fan base. There’s not much to say about it, just watch and enjoy.

The resurection of the OG

Interactive Narratives is back! It’s back and thank goodness! After the fall of MultimediaShooter I was itching for a place to see multimedia on a consistent basis. Five years ago, IN founder Andrew DeVigal was snatched up by the New York Times and the web site slowly stopped seeing updates. But now its back and...

Time out Tuesday… On The Road

With MultimediaShooter down and out for the count, I haven’t been able to get my Koci travelogue fix in quite a while, which is harsh because it’s messing with my pre-trip vibe. See, I always watched some of those before a trip just to get me in the right mind set, but now those are...

Time out Tuesday (extra!extra! edition): Looking back on Iraq

Having lived through half a decade of living with the war in Iraq on the public conscience (for some of us that’s all of high school or college) and upon the cusp of a sixth year… two questions come to mind: 1. What happened to the Afghanistan war? 2. What happened and what can we...

Nice pants, oh and MultimediaShooter is back up

After giving us all a huge scare last week when was hacked, and according to Richard they messed it up so bad that he wasn’t planning on jumping back on in a hurry. (I know I couldn’t log in to the user panel at all, so it musta been something major.) “RIP… I do...

MultiMediaShooter down… not if I can help it…

MultimediaShooter is down… but I’m hoping despite what Richard, the creator of the Web site, says, it won’t stay down for long. RIP I write this with a very heavy heart: I am sorry to report that this website is down for the count. The site was recently hacked severaltimes this weekend and severe damage...